Seminar Series Fall 2020

A weekly seminar featuring guest speakers presenting original and innovative research in development economics.

Please note that the series this semester will be held virtually on Zoom. Several seminars will be held jointly with the World Bank: all joint seminars will begin on Thursday afternoons at 12:30pm EST.  All other seminars will begin on Thursday afternoons at 3:45pm EST. A registration link will be shared with our seminar mailing list the week before.

Ruixue Jia, University of California, San Diego (joint with the World Bank)

September 10, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“Entrepreneurial Reluctance: Academic Talent and Firm Creation in China”

Anne Brockmeyer, the World Bank

September 17, 2020 | 3:45 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“Taxing Property in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Mexico”

Anne Brockmeyer, the World Bank

September 17, 2020 | 3:45 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“Taxing Property in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Mexico”

Lauren Falcao Bergquist, University of Michigan

October 1, 2020 | 3:45 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“Scaling Up Agricultural Policy Interventions: Theory and Evidence from Uganda.” (joint with Benjamin Faber, Thibault Fally, Matthias Hoelzlein, Edward Miguel, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare).

David Yang, Harvard University (joint with the World Bank)

October 8, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

Data-intensive Innovation and the State: Evidence from AI Firms in China

Gaurav Khanna, University of California, San Diego (joint with the World Bank)

October 15, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by the World Bank

“The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-Induced Migration in China (with Wenquan Liang, Mushfiq Mobarak and Ran Song)”

Justin Sandefur, Center for Global Development

October 22, 2020 | 3:45 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“Beyond Short-term Learning Gains: The Impact of Outsourcing Schools in Liberia after Three Years”

Kate Baldwin, Yale University (joint with the World Bank)

November 5, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

When Do Foreign Aid Projects Inflate Support for Incumbents? 
Voter Information and Political Oversight in Uganda
” (by Kate Baldwin and Matthew S. Winters)

Manuela Angelucci, University of Texas at Austin (joint with the World Bank)

November 12, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by the World Bank

“Mental health care, depression, and economic behavior: evidence from India”

Daniel Chen, Toulouse School of Economics

November 19, 2020 | 3:45 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

Gender Attitudes in the Judiciary: Evidence from U.S. Circuit Courts”

Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (joint with the World Bank)

December 3, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by gui2de

“The Supply and Demand Effects of Financial Incentives: Experimental Evidence from Branchless Banking in Indonesia”

Christopher Neilson, Princeton University (joint with the World Bank)

December 10, 2020 | 12:30 PM EST

Hosted by the World Bank

“Teacher Compensation and Structural Inequality: Evidence from Centralized School Choice in Peru”

Please note:

All joint seminars with the World Bank will begin on Thursday afternoons at 12:30pm EST

All other seminars will begin on Thursday afternoons at 3:45pm EST

See Past Seminar Series.