Archive: Seminar Series – Fall 2015
A weekly seminar featuring guest speakers presenting cutting edge
research in development economics.
Debraj Ray, NYU – HDCA Conference
10 September 2015
How Individual Aspirations Shape Economic Behavior
Marcel Fafchamps, Stanford
17 September 2015
Co-authors: Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Simon Quinn, and Farah Said
Supreet Kaur, Columbia
24 September 2015
Nominal Wage Rigidity in Village Labor Markets
No seminar: IZA conference
1 October 2015
Francois Gerard, Columbia
8 October 2015
Gautam Rao, Harvard
15 October 2015
Dan Bjorkegren, Brown
22 October 2015
The Adoption of Network Goods: The Spread of Mobile Phones in Rwanda
Ameet Morjaria, Northwestern
29 October 2015
Competition and Relational Contracts: Evidence from Rwanda’s Coffee Mills
Ethan Ligon, UC Berkeley
5 November 2015
Asset Transfers and Household Neediness
David Atkin, Harvard
12 November 2015
Retail Globalization and Household Welfare: Evidence from Mexico
Jed Friedman, World Bank
19 November 2015
No seminar: Thanksgiving
26 November 2015
Lisa Cameron, Monash University
3 December 2015
Initial Conditions Matter: Social Capital and Participatory Development