gui²de Leadership Team

Whitney Tate

Executive Director

Whitney Tate started with gui²de in 2013 as its first graduate assistant when she was a Masters student in International Development Policy (MIDP) at the McCourt School.  Following graduation in 2014, Whitney worked briefly for the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF) and the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) at the World Bank on an early childhood development systematic review.  She returned to gui²de and is now the Director of Programs, and manages gui²de’s international grant portfolio, operations, and staff.  She was integral in establishing the gui²de-East Africa office in Nairobi, Kenya, for which she was recognized with the President’s Excellence Award.  Whitney has managed the implementation of the Zusha! road safety project, including the nationwide scaleup in Kenya and the randomized control trials in Uganda and Tanzania, and also several projects under gui²de‘s Digital Financial Inclusion portfolio in Kenya. 


Nada Eissa

Co-director, gui²de
Associate Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy

Nada Eissa is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics, co-director of gui²de, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). She has a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and an undergraduate degree from U.C. Berkeley. She has been on the economics faculty at the University of California at Berkeley, a National Fellow of the NBER, a visiting economist at the IMF, and a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).  Her previous research examined the labor supply effects of tax reform, for which she received the National Tax Association’s annual award in government finance and taxation. Currently, her research focuses on health, education, transfer schemes, and the well-being of low-income people in a range of countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, South Sudan, Qatar, and Indonesia.

Billy Jack

Co-director, gui²de
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics

Billy Jack is Vice Provost for Research, Professor of Economics, and co-director of gui²de. Previously he held positions on the Joint Committee on Taxation of the US Congress, the IMF, the Australian National University, and the University of Sydney. He holds a BSc in mathematics and physics from the University of Western Australia, and an MPhil and DPhil in Economics from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.