Alex Wendo is a dedicated social researcher with over 10 years of expertise in project management, monitoring and evaluation, logistical planning, budgeting, and leading large field teams. Alex’s experience spans multiple sectors, including health, financial inclusion, and livelihoods. Notably, Alex supported data collection for the Cash on Delivery (Maternal Health) project, which assessed the impact of vouchers, cash transfers, and SMS messaging on facility delivery rates among impoverished pregnant women in Western Kenya. Alex also provided logistical support for the initial Financial Diaries project and later led field operations for the School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene plus community action project (SWASH+) project, which focused on improving governance and Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Kenyan primary schools across 4 counties. For the past 7 years, Alex has been managing randomized control trials aimed at enhancing employability and income for young urban refugees and vulnerable Kenyans in Nairobi’s informal settlements, working with the International Rescue Committee, GiveDirectly, and the Equity Group. Currently, Alex serves as the local Principal Investigator for the Refugees in East Africa: Boosting Urban Innovations for Livelihood Development (Rebuild) program, being implemented in Kenya and Uganda. Alex has a diploma in statistics and a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Moi University in Kenya and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.